Saturday, April 21, 2007

What NOT to do when optimizing your website

So many times when we are trying to optimize our web pages for the search engines, we over do MANY things that we would think would help in our ranking but, the exact opposite thing happens. We get our website BANNED from the search engines. Now this is not what any of us want right?

As we should all know, a top ranking website for specific keywords that you want to be ranked for, could bring you thousands of free targeted traffic to your website.

In this article, I am going to tell you a few things that you should NOT do while optimizing your website so you don't get banned from the search engines.

Hidden Text:

SO many times I have seen websites that use hidden text on their pages to try and rank higher in the search engines for their keywords, but doing this could actually destroy your rankings, and get you banned.

Hidden Text is simply text that users can't see when they visit your web page. Some webmasters will do this so that they can add keywords throughout their web page without it interfering with what the visitors actually see. Yet, the search engines can still see hidden text and most, if not all, have caught on to this little trick.

For example, let's say you have a white background on your website. If you wanted to hide text, you would simply make the color of your text white (#FFFFFF) and users couldn't see it. Then write a paragraph or just a list of all your keywords.

Alt image tag spamming:

This is another way that people will try to cram keywords into their website, allowing search engines to see their keywords, but not allowing visitors to notice any difference in their website.

The real purpose of an alt image tag is if a user visits your website and the graphic will not load, or is disabled by their web browser, text will appear instead of the graphic. This is often used for blind people.

Alt image spamming is something you want to stay clear of. Using alt image tags are good, but you can overdo it.

I am not trying to scare you in to not using alt images tags. You should and actually need to use them for many different purposes, just try not to over do them and stuff them full of your keywords.

Meta Tag Stuffing:

What I'm referring to here is when people throw in dozens of the same exact keyword into their meta tags. ie: another keyword spamming technique.

For example, the following website is trying to rank well for the keyword "tents".

meta name="KEYWORDS" content="tents, TENTS, Tents, tents tents tent supplies, tents, tents tent, tent, Tent, TENTS, tents, Tents,tents, TENTS, Tents, tents tents tent supplies, tents, tents tent, tent, Tent, TENTS, tents, Tents,tents, TENTS, Tents, tents tents tent supplies, tents, tents tent, tent, Tent, TENTS, tents, Tents,tents, TENTS, Tents, tents tents tent supplies, tents, tents tent, tent, Tent, TENTS, tents, Tents tents, TENTS, Tents, tents tents tent supplies, tents, tents tent, tent, Tent, TENTS, tents, Tents"

This is obviously ridiculous. Google, and other search engines no longer use Meta Tags to rank websites.

Google WILL penalize it, and it WILL NOT help you... so, why would anyone do something like this?

Well, many times, these people just don't know about SEO(Search Engine Optimization) or how the search engines work or what they look for while crawling their site and indexing them.

The best thing is to just not stuff your meta tags like this and only put relevant keywords in them. Stay away from this tactic and all should be fine.

Title Tag Stuffing:

The title is what appears in the top left hand corner of your web page and is also what people see when they do a search on the search engines web site.

Enter ONLY your main three(3-4) keywords in your title tag and do NOT repeat any keywords multiple times. You only need to include your keyword(s) one time in your title tag.

Entering your keyword anymore than one time will dilute the effect and get you severely penalized and dropped in rankings, or even worse, banned from the search engines all together for keyword spamming.

One way to use your title tag to increase your ranking, is to separate your keywords with (This button key is located on the right side of your keyboard above the enter key. To use it, press and hold your shift button while pressing that key.)

These are just a few of the things that people are continuing to do online. These things WILL eventually get your website banned or penalized and WILL NOT help you rank well. It's just a waste of time and effort, plus it's just plain ignorant to waste your time on something that doesn't work and will get your website banned from the search engines anyway.

8 Ways On How To Maximize Your Affiliate Profits

The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Affiliate, Article and Internet Marketing. All of the articles are based on real experiences and research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. They are also written in response to questions which I have been asked as well as address common challenges that people have with affiliate marketing, article marketing, internet marketing or running an online business in general. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value. One idea, one tip, one clue can make all the difference.

8 Ways On How To Maximize Your Affiliate Profits

We are continually bombarded with the latest and absolutely best way to market affiliate products. In truth, there are a number of ways to market any product and the more successful marketers will likely use a number of different methods to maximize affiliate profits.

The real challenge is to come up with ways that encourage site visitors to accept your call to action, click through and purchase your recommended product.

I am going to assume that you fully understand that your job is to pre-sell, to describe the problem your visitors can relate to, the benefits of the product you are recommending and how it provides the solution to the problem.

This article, therefore, focuses more on affiliate programs, affiliate marketing and finding the top selling products to market…

1. Following on from my point about pre-selling, write about you’re your experience and personal recommendation of the product IF you have tried the product yourself. Do not be afraid to highlight the products shortcomings. This is hugely important in building your credibility and the trust of your visitors. One hit wonders may bring you a few dollars but will not build your business. People need to know that a product is actually working before they decide to buy it and what real benefits they can expect from using it.

2. I am sure you have heard often enough about “the money is in the list”. We need to be more precise. The money is in a targeted list. For example, if you were promoting three totally disparate products, how successful do you think you would be promoting them to one general list of subscribers? How long do you think those subscribers would stay on your list?

I used to get fed up when an internet marketer offered me a free e-book or trial membership for example and asked me to subscribe first. It then dawned on me what a simple neat way to qualify exactly what I was interested in. It’s important to build targeted lists to which you can follow up with recommendations, news, and promotions.

3. It is the merchant’s job to sell the product after you have pre-sold it. But, what if the merchant’s sales page is less than convincing? Adapt the existing sales page or create your own from scratch. Even better if you do have targeted customers because you are more likely to know what their interests are and how to ‘pitch’ to them.

4. If you are not collecting the details of your site visitors, start as soon as you can. A relatively easy and tried method is to invite your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter and to encourage them, offer giveaways or bonuses in the form of a report or e-book directly related to your site content. They will welcome the opportunity to get important information without having to pay for it.

5. Maximize your chances of success by registering for a number of related affiliate programs. Note, the programs need to be related or you run the risk of confusing your site visitors. Much worse, you may lose credibility – after all, who will know what your site is really about and what problems you are trying to help your visitors to solve?

6. Where you do have more than one related product, try not to bombard your visitor with all the details of all the products on one page. How can this help you to pre-sell effectively? Think about creating content around your central theme with links to a separate product page where you can do the product justice.

7. Whatever your chosen niche is, Clickbank makes it very easy to select the top performing products – they are listed first. Again, just make sure the content on your site lends itself to pre-selling those top performing products. Also, if you are not about to purchase the product first, ask yourself how you will effectively pre-sell it to your site visitors.

8. Make sure you create as compelling a signature file as possible. Focus on generating either pain or pleasure to grab attention. Keep it simple then provide the link to your site (not the merchant’s).

These are just some of the many ways to market your product to reach a wider audience on the Internet. All that you need is to mix and combine promotional techniques to suit your product(s) and to tie those in to the preferred methods of your subscribers.

Finding help and resources for making money online or by affiliate marketing are some of the most sought after subjects on the internet. Our Independent Affiliate Review Site gives that much needed help and resources for ordinary people who want to run extraordinary businesses.

Original article written by: Andrew Gowans @ pageswirl

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Great Email Marketing Tricks / Tactics

Recently, and I am sure just like you, received ANOTHER darn piece of spam email. Don't you just hate getting those things?

The difference between this email I got though, even after reading the email through, it looked the same as many emails’s I get from people that I want email from. So why did this email fool me?

Well let me explain this to you.

Great Email Marketing Tricks / Tactics

The reason why this email fooled me was the stats this person had written about right at the beginning of the email.

Almost everyone likes to read about stats.

The best way for you to get a 10x or better response to your email marketing, is to add some kind of stats about the program or product that you are advertising in your email.

Stats attract attention from readers.

If you see an ad in a magazine, how many of those ads have some kind of stats about what their product will do for you, or how much their product has done for others.

A great example of this is:

"Loose 20% MORE weight by using our weight loss pill"

"Boost your website traffic by 150% by using this technique"

Readers want facts and statistics now more than ever and the more data you give away the more credibility you'll get. See, there is something to be learned from spam, go figure.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Advertising Secrets

Hello and welcome to the Advertising Secrets Blog